
What is NotifyNOW!™?

NotifyNOW!™ is a broadcast voice service. It is used to communicate emergency and informational messages to every member in a matter of minutes via phone, email and/or text. As the condominium administrator you can send a NotifyNOW!™ message, in your voice, from any telephone, at any time 24/7, to any list of telephone numbers with whom you need to communicate. The message can be up to 2 minutes in length and, within minutes, you can contact thousands of people with your important information. You can have up to 99 unique lists of members so that your message is sent only to those who are directly affected by your message.

How does it work?

First you load your list of members into the NotifyNOW!™ system using our website. You can create sublists for each building or each floor or each social group. Then when you need to communicate a message to that group you can target the message.When you need to send a call, you dial a toll free number, choose the list you want to call, record your message and hit send. It is as easy as leaving a voice mail. You can even record a call in advance and have it go out later!

What does the service cost?

The cost is only $2.50 per household per year for unlimited use. This includes both emergency and informational calls. There are no other fees for this service.

Why do we need NotifyNOW!™?

In an emergency, the system keeps people calm, informed and quickly tells them what you need them to do. In non-emergency situations, it can help you kill off rumors that cause members unnecessary concern. It can greatly improve attendance at meetings or events by providing a reminder call. It is simply the most valuable communications tool available today. NotifyNOW™! will have a more positive impact on your relationship with your members than any other service you can buy.
Real-Time Emergency And Informational Communication
Reach Everyone in your Facility within minutes
Saves time, money and problems caused by miscommunications
Members do not need a computer - just a landline telephone or cell phone
Ability for members to replay message to hear it again
Add, Delete or edit call lists 24/7 via the web
Create up to 99 sublists so you can target your message
Assign administrators for sublists so they can use the system
All messages delivered in your voice within minutes